If you’re looking for something interesting to do at your next party or if you would simply like nice adult treat in the evening, these cherry bombs are the ticket. They are made from regular sweet cherries, and when you add bourbon in the proper way, they will be very potent, not to mention delicious!
Although they may be sweet, be a little careful when you’re eating them because they pack quite a punch. You will be amazed with how much bourbon is soaked up by the cherries and when it is released, it may just go straight to your head.
3 1/2 cups bourbon
2/3 cup granulated white sugar
4 cups fresh sweet cherries, washed, pitted, and stems removed
In a medium saucepan, bring the bourbon and sugar to a simmer over low heat. Simmer and stir until the sugar dissolves, then turn off the heat and let sit for at least 15 minutes.
Pack your cherries into two 25-ounce jars (or three smaller ones). Snuggle them into the jars nice and tight without smashing the cherries.
Pour the syrup over the cherries in each jar until it covers the fruit completely. If you have any leftover syrup, you can use it to make a cocktail!
Place the lids on tight and store the cherries in the refrigerator. They should be used within one year.
*As the cherries macerate in the bourbon syrup, they will shrink in size. This is normal ad they will still taste delicious!