If you are somebody that loves treats, you probably have a favorite or perhaps even a number of favorites. I know that I do, and included among them is the simple marshmallow. I just don’t know what I would do without them, they are so delicious and I love the consistency as well! Of course, you do need to be careful when you’re buying marshmallows, because they are loaded with sugar! That is no longer going to be a problem, however, when you try this healthy spin on the recipe.
Marshmallows are not only a nice treat when you need something sweet around the house, they are easy to take on the road with you as well. Many people have enjoyed them along with the great outdoors, particularly on camping trips. Who of us doesn’t have fond memories of making s’mores around the campfire?
Although it’s true that commercial marshmallows are fat-free, they do have a significant amount of sugar. That increases your calorie intake through the day and, since they are so easy to eat, it can really pack on the pounds. Since you are making a healthy marshmallow using this recipe, you can go ahead and enjoy them without guilt!
1 1/2 tbsp. gelatin
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 cup honey
1/8 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1. Lightly grease a loaf pan. Then cover with parchment paper (with enough to hang over the sides of the pan one way), then grease the parchment paper.
2. Put ¼ cup of water in a medium bowl (or in the bowl of a mixer with attached whisk) , and sprinkle the gelatin over the water. Set aside to soften.
3. In a small pot, place the honey, salt, and the other ¼ cup of water. Heat on medium heat. Using a candy thermometer, bring the mixture to 240 degrees. (Because this is such a small amount of liquid, I had a hard time getting an accurate temperature. You can also test it by dribbling a little of the liquid into a bowl of ice cold water. It should be in the candy stage of forming little soft balls when cooled in the water and taken out. It takes about 7-8 minutes to reach this temperature. ). Remove from the heat as soon as it’s at the right temperature.
4. Using a hand mixer on low, very carefully mix in the hot syrup into the gelatin mixture by pouring the hot syrup in a drizzle down the side of the bowl. Once it’s all combined, add the vanilla and increase speed to high. Beat for 12- 15 minutes, or until the mixture is thick and fluffy (it will look like marshmallow fluff). Scrap into the prepared pan and leave, uncovered, for 4-12 hours to dry. It’s just about perfect in my climate when left overnight. Cut into squares, serve as is.
Coconut Version: Toast about ½ cup of coconut flakes, unsweetened. Sprinkle ½ of it on the bottom of the pan, scrap in the marshmallow mixture, and sprinkle with the rest of the coconut flakes.
Cocoa Version: Roll finished and cut marshmallows in cocoa powder.