At Halloween — the one time of year when the grotesque, gruesome, and horrifying are worth aspiring to — take the opportunity to express your holiday spirit with just the sort of drink Dr. Frankenstein might have enjoyed during cocktail hour.

With medium-size radishes and olives, you can create creepy ice cubes that appear to contain eyeballs — ideal for a macabre martini on the rocks or in a ghastly glass of flavored seltzer for your young ghouls-in-training.

Trim the stem and root ends of a radish (make sure it’s small enough to fit the individual section of an ice-cube tray), and use a paring knife to scrape off most of the red skin. Leave just enough red to give the radish a veined appearance. Rinse the radish off, and use a small melon baller to cut 1/2-inch-diameter hole into the radish. Fit an olive, cut side out, into the hole, and place the radish in the ice-cube tray. Repeat this process until the tray is full, then pour water over the eyeballs, and freeze.